Includes April 13 and April 27, 2021 dates
Part 1 of 2: Ethical Thinking and Practice: “What Does a ‘Good’ Family Practitioner Do?"
Presented by Glen Palm, Ph.D., CFLE, and Betty Cooke, Ph.D., CFLE
April 13, 2021 | 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. CT
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Part 2 of 2: Teaching Ethics in the University Classroom
Presented by Jane Rose Njue, Ph.D., CFLE
April 27, 2021 | 11 a.m.–Noon CT
More details
Series approved for 2.5 CFLE contact hour of continuing education credit.
Series Pricing: $45 for NCFR student members / $80 for NCFR members and CFLEs / $155 for nonmembers and non-CFLEs
Single Date Pricing: $25 for NCFR student members / $45 for NCFR members and CFLEs / $85 for nonmembers and non-CFLEs
This webinar will provide information for those teaching ethics in a college classroom and will include information on how to define different types of ethics, address the process of solving ethical dilemmas, examine key ethical issues surrounding family professionals, and discuss ethical dilemmas that could occur in a work setting. The participants will also learn how to teach students to examine, understand, and apply the codes of ethics of three professional organizations: National Council on Family Relations, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, and the National Association of Social Workers. Finally, activities will be shared that can be utilized and practiced in one’s own teaching settings.
Overall, attendees will leave this webinar with the ability to:
- Teach students how to solve ethical dilemmas;
- Form an activity for students to compare and contrast ethical principles of family life education, family therapy, and family case management;
- Produce ethical scenarios to use in the classroom.
Approved for 1 hour of CFLE continuing education credit.
Webinar date: April 27, 2021
Fee: $25 for NCFR student members, $45 for NCFR professional members, and $85 for non-members.
Family Life Educators often find their work to be very rewarding. However, they can also find themselves facing difficult ethical dilemmas on a regular basis. This webinar will provide techniques on how to manage ethical challenges by teaching reflective group processes and reviewing three different perspectives to understand and approach ethical dilemmas. Specifically, the presenters will provide a multi-perspective approach to ethical thinking and a careful process for reflecting upon ethical principles, relational contexts, and personal virtues to address challenging situations.
Ethical practices in Family Life Education (FLE) can be challenging when they occur in person and may need to be handled immediately, increasing the likelihood of compromising ethical principles set by both the practitioners and their professional organizations. This is especially true for those new to their professions either as recent graduates or due to mid-career changes. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss ethical issues in a thoughtful and caring manner by learning how to identify ethical dilemmas, integrate different theories of ethics, and apply a group process to addressing ethical dilemmas in FLE practice.
Overall, attendees will leave this webinar with the ability to:
- Apply and integrate three perspectives to ethical thinking and decision-making;
- Identify ethical dilemmas versus challenging practice situations;
- Implement a seven-step process for analyzing an ethical dilemma to improve ethical practice.
The webinar presenters, Drs. Betty Cooke, and Glen Palm (both CFLEs) were part of the MN Council on Family Relations Ethics Committee that created the Ethical Principles for Parent and Family Life Educators. This is a great opportunity to learn from the originators of the case study process.
Approved for 1.5 CFLE contact hour of continuing education credit.
Webinar date: April 13, 2021 11:00am - 12:30pm CT
Fee: Single/Series Pricing: $25/$45 for NCFR student members, $45/$80 for NCFR members & CFLEs, $85/$155 for nonmembers & non-CFLEs.