In this webinar series, you'll learn skills in four areas to help strengthen your qualitative research. The webinars will be presented by Áine M. Humble, Ph.D., CFLE; M. Elise Radina, Ph.D., CFLE; Kevin Roy, Ph.D.; and Elizabeth A. Sharp, Ph.D., and Samantha Christopher, M.A., doctoral student.

After watching the four webinars, you'll be able to:

  • understand and know how to choose among several qualitative data analysis softwares
  • create and use student teams in qualitative research
  • better review and publish qualitative research
  • understand and conduct walking interviews and emotion mapping 

Approved for 4.5 CFLE contact hours of continuing education credit.

Webinar dates: Sept. 2015


In this webinar, you'll be introduced to basic features of qualitative data analysis software (QDAS) programs, such as how to import data, code textual findings (i.e., transcripts), and create memos. You'll participate in several short exercises using MAXQDA 11 software (installed on your computer prior to the workshop). A comparison of interfaces and coding will be demonstrated with NVivo and ATLAS.ti. Factors to consider when choosing and using QDAS programs will be noted, and you'll be provided with a list of QDAS resources.

This webinar is intended for anyone carrying out qualitative research: students, research assistants, professors, and people in nonprofit or government agencies (e.g., carrying out program evaluations).

Approved for 1.5 CFLE contact hours of continuing education credit.

Webinar date: Sept 10, 2015


In this webinar, you'll be introduced to how to create and utilize undergraduate student research teams for qualitative research. First, you'll receive a brief overview of the predominant attitudes and schools of thought with regard to undergraduate student readiness for research. Second, you'll learn about a variety of models for utilizing undergraduates in qualitative research. Third, you'll hear from undergraduate students about their experiences conducting, analyzing, and presenting qualitative research. You'll also receive a list of "lessons learned" from utilizing student research teams.

This webinar is intended for faculty, graduate students, and post-doctoral fellows who primarily work with undergraduate students or who would like to learn how to do so. No prior knowledge is required.

Approved for 1 CFLE contact hour of continuing education credit.

Webinar date: Sept. 17, 2015


Attend this webinar to improve the "publishability" of your qualitative research, as well as your skills in reviewing qualitative research.

Approved for 1 CFLE contact hour of continuing education credit.

Webinar date: Sept. 24, 2015


In response to the affective turn in the social sciences and new possibilities to "gather" qualitative data, you'll learn from this webinar to identify and explain two dynamic data collection techniques: walking interviews and emotion mapping. The presenters will share examples from their research and offer practical tips. 

This webinar is intended for anyone interesting in conducting qualitative research. No prior knowledge is required.

Approved for 1 CFLE contact hour of continuing education credit.

Webinar date: Sept. 30, 2015
