This webinar will provide an example of addressing critical gaps in Family Life Education by providing new perspectives for developing and piloting a culturally consonant and trauma-informed healthy relationship curriculum for rural Indigenous youth. Specifically, webinar presenters will share their experiences of developing and maintaining a 26-year partnership between Montana State University and an Apsáalooke non-profit organization to provide a Family Life Education program in the Apsáalooke Nation in Montana. Attendees will learn about the techniques used to incorporate Indigenous voices prior to, during, and after program implementation, and strategies that can be replicated when working with the Indigenous communities in one’s own area.

By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Implement culturally consonant practices when developing Family Life Education programs with and for Indigenous youth.
  • Work with Indigenous communities to adapt existing family life education programs, or create new ones in ways driven by both data and cultural relevance.
  • Develop and evaluate strengths-based and trauma-informed curriculum that center Indigenous voices, knowledge, and wisdom.

Approved for 1 CFLE contact hour of continuing education credit.

Webinar date: Oct. 25, 2023

Fee: $29 for NCFR student members / $49 for NCFR members & CFLEs / $89 for nonmembers & non-CFLEs
