Led by Dr. Cynthia Wilson and Kaley de Leon from the Florida Center for Prevention Research, this webinar will provide best practices for incorporating intentional CQI into every aspect of FLE programming. Attendees will learn about existing CQI frameworks and understand the importance of embracing an iterative process of quality improvement that is critical to the development of effective Family Life Education (FLE) programs. Strategies for creating an organizational culture that fosters continuous learning and improvement will be shared, along with practical tools and examples of how to build CQI activities into regular FLE program routines.

By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Define existing CQI frameworks
  • Evaluate and test tools for program improvement
  • Implement CQI strategies

Approved for 1.0 hour of CFLE continuing education.

Webinar date: Sept. 13, 2023

Fee: $29 for NCFR student members / $49 for NCFR members & CFLEs / $89 for nonmembers & non-CFLEs
