Researchers have long recognized the value in gathering information directly from families. In order to continue with incorporating families’ voices into the research process in an increasingly multicultural world, professionals must learn new ways to engage with communities to integrate scientific- and lived- experiences. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) design emphasizes close collaboration between researchers and community members. This method has gained credibility over the past 20 years due to its ability to further understand the cultural strengths and community needs of the families and individuals that the research is meant to benefit. For example, CBPR can increase cultural awareness across racial, ethnic, religious, and other identities central to social location and group membership; enhance understanding of families’ unique- and collective- experiences; inform education (broadly defined) across both content- and process- sequences; and generate and extend novel care services (e.g., in-clinic, in-community).

Participants of this webinar will learn about the core principles inherent to CBPR designs, including mixed methods approaches and responsiveness to intervention techniques. Examples from several CBPR initiatives will be highlighted and a list of additional resources will be shared. By the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Plan, advance, and sustain community-based partnerships for the purposes of research,
  • Evaluate CBPR projects through qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods designs, and
  • Articulate methods for conducting CBPR

Approved for 1.5 hours of CFLE continuing education credit.

Webinar date: March 8, 2023

Fee: $29 for NCFR student members / $49 for NCFR members & CFLEs / $89 for nonmembers & non-CFLEs
