Building upon the previous webinars in the Multiple Regression, Moderation, and Mediation series, attendees of webinar 3 will practice how to estimate the effect of a mediator between two related constructs. Specifically, participants will learn about mediating effects, how to use regressions to estimate those effects, and how to best estimate the standard error of those effects. With a nod to past techniques, this webinar will focus on current methods for both estimation of effects and the standard errors for those non-normal effects (e.g., bootstrapping). Skills learned in this webinar will also provide a foundation for more advanced techniques in studying mediation (e.g., structural equation modeling).

Overall, attendees will leave this webinar with the ability to: 

  • Explain the fundamentals of mediated regression
  • Perform a mediated regression model
  • Interpret the results of a mediated regression model

Approved for 1.5 hours of CFLE continuing education credit.

Webinar date: Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Single Pricing: $29 for NCFR student members / $49 for NCFR members & CFLEs / $89 for nonmembers & non-CFLEs
