This webinar will introduce participants to survival analysis. Specifically, attendees will learn when and how to use survival analysis, how to interpret the results, and practice running the statistical method; little to no knowledge of this technique is needed before attending the webinar. Handouts will also be provided and attendees will be able to practice the skills being taught both during and after the webinar has occurred. STATA will primarily be used in the demonstration, but additional information on how to perform this technique in different statistical software will be provided (i.e., SPSS).
Each part approved for 1.5 hours of CFLE continuing education credit. Series approved for 3.0 hours.
Webinar date: Sept. 28, 2021
Fee: $25 for NCFR student members, $45 for NCFR professional members, and $85 for non-members.
RegisterIn part 1 of this two-part
webinar series, attendees will learn about the foundations of survival
analysis and hazard functions.
Each part approved for 1.5 hours of CFLE continuing education credit. Series approved for 3.0 hours.
Webinar date: Sept. 28, 2021
Fee: $25 for NCFR student members, $45 for NCFR professional members, and $85 for non-members.
RegisterIn part 2, attendees will learn about time-varying and time-invariant predictors to more accurately predict when an event will happen. Hazard functions include the probability occurring at a discrete time, time-invariant predictors do not change over a specified period, and time-varying predictors help understand changes over a specified period.
Approved for 1.5 hours of CFLE continuing education credit.
Webinar date: Oct. 28, 2021
Single/Series Pricing: $25/$45 for NCFR student members, $45/$80 for NCFR members & CFLEs, $85/$155 for nonmembers & non-CFLEs